Tuesday, May 30, 2006


end of 2nd day in prague and its been utterly beautiful and cold.

snows here on and and off, but lightly so its alright.

on the first day i got off the bus and got lost. its been a recurrent theme in every single city i've been in. hai. anyway i finally found the hostel, dumped my bags and wandered around the city. its fabulous; beautiful churches with towering gothic steeples and very classic baroque architecture. extremely touristy though. for every 1 czech person there were at least 10 tourists. i walked around in the slushy slippery snow along the river towards the Prague Castle. (My trainers has a little hole near my big toe and my toe is getting frostbitten. )

The Charles Bridge was understandably beautiful and was decorated with individual statues of different dead people. (LOL). Got lost again looking for Prague castle and it was nice (note the lack of enthusiasm) but everything was starting to look pretty much the same. So finished Prague castle and tried to walk to the Petrin Tower but... the funicular was CLOSED!!!! argh. crap. not a very exciting day. But saw loads of little kids happily tobaggoning (is that the term?) down the snowy slopes. Looked kinda fun... Plastic frisbee thingys they used looked kinda SMALL too. :)

today was pretty bad too. i met a nice indian girl (actually she's 36 but i tot she was in her twenties) from capetown. she's cool; works as a pediatric physiotherapist. then we went to a town (Kutna Hora) a little bit off frm prague for a visit. and the only attraction i wanted to see was CLOSED. But we visited the ossuary and it was mindboggling. Imagine mountains of bones placed into intricate and macabre patterns.

prague is not good people. i tink its overrated and too touristy. if they had a bus to sarajevo, i would go there instd. tml night heading off to budapest, hope its better than prague.


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