Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Santiago de Compostela

left porto early this morning and managed to wet myself in the process. my silly water bottle spilled all over my bag and my pants making it look like i wet myself. so embarrassing. endured a 5 hour train ride and arrived in beautifully sunny santiago. apparently its not always sunny; rains for weeks at the time. but maybe god felt guilty for wetting my pants. anyway, found my hostel EASILY for once. its pretty nice too! except my roomie is a weird ass from uk, made in china though. teaches bible studies, has her hair in two pony tails and... take my word for it. she´s weird. so ate my bread and cheese and strolled around the city/town. its really so PRETTY. parks and gardens everywhere dotted with ancient historical buildings. maybe cos its mainly a uni town so its pretty. if not it would be overrun with maniacal tourists clobbering each other for good shots. that reminds me, my camera got drenched, so not working... hope it dries up!!!

so tml im hopping on a plane to uk to meet up with dear old chan lek and alex and jesse (hcjc friends) and visit cambridge and london. guess it´ll be fun seeing them after so long!!! altrhough they have exams so ill probably hang out myself and see them for dinner and stuff. going paris soon! i booked a bike tour to versailles and monet's garden on two separate days, so that'll b fun too. hope the good weather holds out. im thinking of buying tons and tons of books in london... so many good books and cheaper there me thinks... :) plus i know i have very little luggage :P


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