Friday, June 01, 2007

it's been a while...

My last post was almost 9 months ago. In these nine months I've been through 2.5 rotations, the bank has received 2 offers and I'm heading to Sydney as soon as my training visa comes through.

The first two rotations were pretty alright; I was young (still am!), eager and enthusiastic. Now I feel jaded and am looking forward to a permanent role. It's kind of sad and pathetic that all I can look forward to, is working with Powerpoint for the next few years of my life. All that money and time spent on an Uni education... a waste I tell you.

More worrying is the life I'll give up if I stay in this industry. It sucks the life out of you faster than a cheap whore. One of the directors in the department missed his toddler's birthday because he had a heap of emails, projects and pitches to clear. Work which had accumulated because he had to take time off for the birth of his 2nd kid. I wonder if he'll make it for the new kid's first birthday.

It's pretty common actually - horror stories of how people had to work through birthdays, anniversaries, marriages and the occasional death (not theirs).

But the people I've worked with are pretty great. The team I'm working with right now are a really talented bunch with a nice vibe. It's very different from my last 2 teams; I still do the same things (powerpoint, powerpoint and... POWERPOINT) but there's no hierarchy. Now that's cool. It's a pity they've already made this other graduate an offer, otherwise I would have put my hand up for the spot.

This brings me to another sore spot. I don't know how my performance has been so far. Being the thick skinned lump I am, I tend to assume I'm doing fine or even well (at least). Then again, the M&A director wouldn't be so friendly/nice to me unless he thought I was fairly decent... RIGHT???

Awww... crap.


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